May 24, 2012

Creating Talent+ Personality

Author John C. Maxwell identifies 13 habits to make one self a Talent+ person. A Talent+ person attracts Talent+ friends, Talent+ Employers and Talent+ relationships in his life. It is not very difficult to be a Talent+ person. Adopting below habits will make you a Talent+ person:

  1. Belief in yourself will help lift your talent
  2. Passion for your talent will help energize you to work to your goal.
  3. Initiative will activate your talent and attract more opportunities.
  4. Focus will help direct your talent and achieve what you dreamt for yourself.
  5. Preparation will help position you for next big opportunity.
  6. Practice will help sharpen your talent.
  7. Perseverance will help sustain you and your belief in yourself.
  8. Courage will test your talent in adversity.
  9. Teachability will help expand your talent.
  10. Character like Courage will help protect your talent in adversity.
  11. Relationship will help influence your talent.
  12. Responsibility will help strengthen your talent.
  13. Teamwork will help multiply your talent.
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1 comment:

  1. Great start ML!

    Thanks for sharing. The point mentioned above are very apt and to the tee for corporate work culture.


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